Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Oh, Gag!

I seriously just threw up a little bit in my mouth. This afternoon I sat on the floor folding laundry. I had the TV on one of the 24 hr news channels, probably FOX, but I can't really remember. If you don't watch Oprah, (which I DON"T) then you are limited in your afternoon viewing pleasure. Anyway... this guy was ranting on and on about Sarah Palin and her views. He questioned her "common sense" in deciding to have a baby with Down's Syndrome and encouraging her daughter to choose life. WHAT?!?! Are you kidding me?!?! The news guy doing the interview introduced him as an 'elitist.' Well, I can think of another word for him, and it starts with a vowel, too.

When did the gift of life become so cavalier? When did this guy decide that he had the authority to criticize someone for choosing life? I'm sure those babies, both born and unborn, are happy to be alive, and I applaud their parents for their decisions.

Do I think that an unmarried, pregnant daughter disqualifies you from being a worthy VP candidate? Absolutely not. Do I think that an unmarried, pregnant daughter means you spent too much time in the office and not enough time at home? Absolutely. I think there is a lesson here for all us, even stay at home moms~ Pay Attention to Your Children!! Just because you're not putting in 40 hrs/wk. at the office doesn't mean that you can't be so self absorbed that your family gets put on the back burner. Likewise, the best mom I have ever known was a 3rd grade teacher while her kids were growing up, and ALWAYS had time for them.Her kids grew up secure and successful, in no small part to their mother always being there.

All this talk about politics is giving me a headache and an eye twitch, so I'll end with one final thought. I was watching the DNC last week and thinking about God. I was wondering whose side God was on, anyway? Who Would Jesus Vote For? Then I remembered one of my favorite quotes from Abraham Lincoln. In April of 1863, right in the middle of the Civil War, Lincoln called for a day of fasting and prayer. When asked who's side he thought God was on, he replied,"My great concern is not whether God is on our side. My great concern is to be on God's side." That's one smart republican ;).

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