Thursday, September 11, 2008

Todd in a Sack

Todd had his first "project" this week in 2nd grade. He came home with a brown paper lunch sack with instructions from his teacher to fill it with NON-living items that would describe what Todd liked. At first he was a little bummed that he couldn't put the tadpoles he caught down by the creek in the sack, but after he got over that initial disappointment, he really got into it. Parents could help as much or as little as they chose to, but I held back a bit because I was really curious as to what he would use to describe himself. He chose: a magnet with his basketball picture on it, a lot of legos, a picture of himself with legos on the airplane to Disney, a picture of himself with his sisters and cousins on the beach in Florida, a picture of him, Kamryn, and Goofy at the Magic Kingdom, a book about space (he said that counts as 2 things because he loves to read and he loves space), a packet of macaroni and cheese, his magic wand he got when he went to Great Wolf Lodge with his Grammy and Poppy, and the bobber from his fishing pole. He did a great job, huh?

I love his teacher. Kaylee had her in the 2nd grade as well and she is just awesome. Every day they write in their "forever journal." It's just a spiral notebook that his teacher has him write in everyday. It may just be a sentence or two, but he's supposed to share on paper what the best part of his day was (or the worst, or the most interesting...). Today he wrote that the best part of his day was his mom coming to eat lunch with him. What a sweet, sweet boy!

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