Tuesday, September 9, 2008

My Granddad Was Green

I'm getting a little annoyed at all the celebrities who are so proud of themselves for "going green." Good people have been doing the right thing for a long time without the need for publicity. My granddad would have been 90 years old at the end of the month, and he was a conservationist long before some of these yayhoos were born. Sorry Al Gore, you don't have the market cornered on recycling. My granddad reused the aluminum foil his hamburger from Dairy Queen came in. He hand washed plastic party cups. He never left a light on in a room when he walked out. He drove to the farm everyday in his pickup truck with windows down to save gas. He wore his house shoes until they had holes in them, then he would tape them up and try to get just a few more miles out of them. He would save the bows on the presents at Christmas. Not only that, he would open his presents so carefully as to save the paper for presents next Christmas. Leftovers were never thrown away. Rain runoff was saved to water flowers. My granddad was a true friend to the earth, and he never owned an expensive hybrid car.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Never thought of Grandad this way but your absolutely right! don't forget about "recyclying" other people's small appliances, fixing them, and using them himself instead of buying a new-fangled one. A TRUE GREENY!